Food Defense

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FSIS Food Defense

FSIS Emergency Response

FSIS Food Defense Preparedness and Recall Exercise Package (FD-PREP)

Food and Agriculture Sector-Specific Plan

USDA Disaster Resource

FSIS Directives

5420.1 Food Defense Tasks and Threat Notification Response Procedures for the Office of Field Operations- Revision 11 (issued Sept. 26, 2023)

5420.3 Food Defense Surveillance Procedures and National Terrorism Advisory System Alert Response for the Office of Program Evaluation, Enforcement and Review- Revision 7 (issued Feb 6, 2014)


Contact us

9696 E. Hwy 21, Ste. 200
Bryan, TX 77808
Telephone: 979-846-9011
Fax: 979-846-8198

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