The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System is a management system focused on prevention of problems in order to assure the production of food products are safe for consumption. The objective is to make the product safe to consume, and to be able to prove it. HACCP is a methodical and systematic application of the appropriate science and technology to plan, control and document the safe production, handling and preparation of foods. HACCP was adopted by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in July of 1996.

HACCP covers all types of potential food safety hazards (biological, chemical, and physical) whether they are naturally occurring in the food, contributed by the environment or generated by a mistake in the manufacturing process.

Quick Links

HACCP and Sanitation Guidance 

HACCP Validation Resources 

FSIS Compliance Guideline: HACCP Systems Validation (April 2015)

Guidebook for the Preparation of HACCP Plans (September 2020)- This guidebook is intended for small and very small establishments. The guidebook clarifies the 9 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 417 Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) Systems requirements and provides guidance on how establishments might develop HACCP plans that meet those requirements.

Validation Database- Provided by the Foundation for Meat & Poultry Research & Education

HACCP Models provided by FSIS 

Generic models serve as useful examples of how to meet the regulatory requirements. The generic models are not intended to be used “as is”. FSIS recommends that establishments tailor the model(s) to fit the establishment’s operation.


HACCP Model for Full Cooked-Not Shelf Stable Roast Beef

HACCP Model for Raw Intact Beef

HACCP Model for Beef Slaughter

HACCP Model for Raw Ground Beef (Raw Non-Intact)


HACCP Model for Raw Non-Intact Fresh Ground Pork Sausage Patties

HACCP Model for Traditional Swine Slaughter

HACCP Model for the New Swine Inspection System (pork slaughter)

HACCP Model for Bacon (Heat-Treated, Not Fully Cooked)


HACCP Model for Raw, Non-Intact Turkey

HACCP Model for New Poultry Inspection System (NPIS) Poultry Slaughter

HACCP Model for Poultry Slaughter


HACCP Model for Ready-To-Eat, Heat-Treated, Shelf-Stable (Beef Jerky)


HACCP Model for Thermally Processed, Commercially Sterile Product


Contact us

9696 E. Hwy 21, Ste. 200
Bryan, TX 77808
Telephone: 979-846-9011
Fax: 979-846-8198

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