Processed and Cured Meats

Quick Links

Processed Meat & Poultry Validation Database– provided by Foundation of Meat & Poultry Research & Education

Understanding Processed Meat

Good Manufacturing Practices for Fermented Dry & Semi-Dry Sausage Products

FSIS Guidelines

FSIS-GD-2023-002 Ready-to-Eat Fermented, Salt-Cured, and Dried Products Guideline (May 5, 2023)

FSIS Directives

7,000 Series: Processed Products

7530.1 Handling a Process Deviation or Abnormal Container Thermally Processed, Commercially Sterile Canned Product (Sept. 27, 2018)

7620.3 Processing Inspectors’ Calculations Handbook (July 30, 1995)


Contact us

9696 E. Hwy 21, Ste. 200
Bryan, TX 77808
Telephone: 979-846-9011
Fax: 979-846-8198

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